Writer-Member Timothy Centner Sells
TV Pitch
It's happened before, and it's happened again! A
small town writer with big ideas lands a deal with
Hollywood TV Executives at the TV Writers Vault.
We're proud to have been instrumental with Timothy Centner selling his reality TV concept to MDR
Entertainment. Tim obliged us with an interview to
bring us up to speed, and to give other writers a
look inside our process at the TV Writers Vault.
Scott Manville: Congratulations on getting your
project picked up by an Executive Producer. Tell us
a bit about the company optioning your project.
Tim Centner: Thank you so much! You know, it�s still sinking in to me
just what this could potentially mean for my writing
career. The company that picked up my option is MDR
Entertainment, Mark Rodriguez, Executive Producer.
The moment I got the nod, I started doing my
homework and I really have to give The TV Writers
Vault the kudos for only
selecting the best people to be members on the
�executive� side. When I found out that someone was
interested in my treatment I was so jazzed! Then I
began to research the company that was to be calling
me, and I have to tell you that it just blew me away
when I realized the caliber of television executives
that the Vault has in the fold.
Scott Manville: When you finally received word that
a leading production company wanted to talk to you
about your show, how did you feel?
Tim Centner: Well, it was one of those daily ritual
things; I work for myself so first thing in the
morning I get up, put the coffee on and check my
e-mail. I got the email-notice from TV Writers Vault
saying that I had �Executive Activity� on my
project, so I logged into my project status page and
subsequently almost spit coffee on my computer. I
was very excited to see the coveted yellow
�Requesting Contact with Writer� status listed. It
was really a great moment for me.
Scott Manville: Tell us how it was conversing with
the Producer, and how his reaction was to your
Tim Centner: I had no idea what to expect. As it
turns out, he�s one of the nicest guys I�ve met.
Seriously interested in the process and very open.
Not at all the stereotype that we�ve been led to
believe haunts the halls of Hollywood. Quite the
contrary. He gave me a lot of pointers as to how to
tweak my other projects to make them appealing and
has been genuinely helpful throughout. I�m really
Scott Manville: What stage are you at with the
project, and what do you see for it�s future?
Tim Centner: We�re packaging the show and getting it
ready to shop around to networks at this point. It�s
still in the preliminary stage of course, but I�m
cautiously optimistic that it�ll go all the way. But
any way it turns out, it�s still proof to me that
I�m doing the right thing each and every time I put
up a new script or treatment at the TV Writers
Scott Manville: How long have you been a member of
the TV Writers Vault?
Tim Centner I�ve been a member of the TV Writers
Vault since 2004. I was an aspiring writer looking
for any kind of doorway into the morass that is the
Hollywood writers pool. I was convinced that if I
could find a way to get my stuff under the noses of
the right people, then I would get the chance I
wanted, sooner or later. The problem was all the
hype, not to mention the overwhelmingly negative
atmosphere at many of the places I looked. It really
seemed to me that the only way to get to be a
writer, was to already BE one with representation
and everything. How in the world would I, Timmy the
boy from small town Alabama, ever get there? The
answer was, of course, The TV Writer�s Vault. What
an amazing concept!
Scott Manville: Have you made progress with any
other projects?
Tim Centner: Actually, I have made some advances
over the past couple of years. I�ve been honing my
writing and treatment �building� skills and
continuing to post to the Vault. Last year I had 2
projects put �Under Consideration� by FOX but
they�ve not moved since. I suppose that might put a
damper on some, but it really only poured gas on my
fire. The great thing about the TV Writers Vault is
the instant feedback. You actually get an idea for
what people are looking for and what they�re looking
AT, which is one of the most valuable aspects of the
Nowhere else that I�ve ever found do you actually
get any feedback. Seriously, when was the last time
anyone responded to a script that you sent out
unsolicited? HA! Only here� because it�s a service
that the industry executives subscribe to. And they
subscribe to it because it�s an efficient way for
them to interface with new writers, and to make
requests for concepts and scripts they find have
Scott Manville: How was it working with me at the TV
Writers Vault? And how was the mediation of the
executive contacting you handled?
Tim Centner: You're an absolute professional and an
unbelievable resource for me. You're the driving
force behind the TV Writers Vault and are always
just an e-mail away if I need help or just advice as
to how to put something together. I feel very lucky
to have found the Vault and especially you, Scott.
It�s amazing to me what you've created here, and to
be honest I can�t wait to see how big this thing is
going to get as more and more writers and execs
begin to realize just how many great opportunities
are waiting here for them. When my project was
selected, you immediately e-mailed me and were
instrumental in connecting the executive and myself
in a timely and professional way. Kudos to you and
everyone that helps behind the scenes for making
this place what it is.
Scott Manville: Wow, I'm humbled. Thank you. Beyond
what you already so kindly expressed, in what
specific way do you feel the TV Writers Vault serves
new writers entering the industry?
Tim Centner: Wow, um, how much time do you have? I
cannot stress enough that the Vault is truly a place
of dynamic growth for anyone who wants to germinate
a writing career from outside (or for that matter
inside) Hollywood. There�s literally no other place
that teaches you what you need to know as well as
provide the tools to help you. The instant feedback
that you get when an executive reviews your work is
over the top. You can immediately see whether you�ve
struck a nerve or not, and it inspires you to keep
on going, unlike the old method of sending things
out unsolicited and waiting, and waiting, and
waiting�..you get the idea. Plus the added benefit
of knowing that your projects are ONLY being seen by
qualified executives who are in a decision making
position and not some assistant in the mail room
who�s only task is to throw away the giant stacks of
treatments they get every day. And it�s all
completely protected by the confidentiality
agreements that are in place on both sides of the
equation, so you can feel comfortable posting to
your hearts content without the fear of your ideas
being swiped.
Scott Manville: Would you recommend the TV Writers
Vault service to other professional and aspiring
Tim Centner: Absolutely. With no uncertain terms. I
don�t think that there�s a better method to get new
projects and ideas in front of the right people at
this or any other value to be honest. If you truly
have the idea bug, or even just have a brilliant
idea that comes out of nowhere that you�re sure will
take flight, I would recommend the TV Writer�s Vault
to anyone who wants to get through the layers down
into the heart of the industry. I surely wouldn�t be
here talking with you now if not for the existence
of the Vault.
Scott Manville: Thanks Tim. We�re really proud to
have you as a member, and wish you the best with
this and future projects. Keep up the great work!